United Evangelical Lutheran Dr. Martin Luther Church

Shiner Lutheran Church


Parents and adults have an opportunity to join in conversation and study while their children attend GIFT classes. 

Shiner Lutheran Church also offers Adult Bible Study on Wednesday mornings at 10:00AM during the school year, inviting adults to take a deeper dive into the Bible. The Wednesday morning Bible study is thematic, and usually studies on book of the Bible at a time.

There is a Sunday morning adult Sunday School class at 9:00AM. This class meets before worship and studies the appointed Bible passages that will be used that morning in worship. Participants in this class say they enjoy worship and sermon even more because they have already had a chance to start thinking about scriptures and how God is speaking to them.


Cross Trails Ministry, part of our larger Lutheran organization, operates Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville, Ebert Ranch Camp in Harper, and numerous offsite camps and day camps. We send our confirmation age junior high youth to camp each summer, along with many elementary and high school youth. The congregation supports camp participation both in our budget and in support of fundraisers so that every child who wishes to participate can afford the camp cost. We see the church camp experience as a proven path to encourage faith formation.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Each summer our entire campus is transformed into an adventure filled week of faith formation using stories, music, art and science to build up faith. An army of volunteers from throughout the Shiner community opens their hearts to all the children of Shiner who spend time together learning about Jesus and God's love for all.

Godly Play

GIFT participants age 3 through sixth grade engage in Godly Play, a curriculum developed by Jerome Berryman using a Montessori approach to encourage children to WONDER about God while becoming connected in a relationship with God. The goal of Godly Play is to teach children and adults the art of using religious language and to help them become more fully aware of God's presence in their lives. Through parable, sacred stories, and liturgical action, the wonder of God is opened, focusing on the innate spirituality of children. We are a Godly Play congregation with trained Godly Play teachers and pastor, joining educators of many Christian denominations in this method of faith formation.


With a strong heritage of valuing Christian education, Shiner Lutheran pivoted to a renewed emphasis on faith formation through a ministry named GIFT - Growing in Faith Together. Learning times shifted from a traditional Sunday School model to a Wednesday evening gathering of all ages and faith traditions seeking to learn and grow in faith. Following the school calendar, volunteers provide a meal at 5:30 pm. Parents are invited to accompany the very young, high schoolers come straight from sports practice, and adults join as they finish their workdays. After food and fellowship, age groups head into various class areas to learn and grow in faith formation. All are welcomed to have a hot meal, experience authentic fellowship, and participate in quality Christian Education programming 


High school youth gather in our fun, upstairs Youth Room during GIFT classes. Together with adult facilitators, they explore what certain faith topics mean to them as teenagers. High School youth know they are welcomed no matter where they are in their faith.

Special Learning Opportunities

Young children are invited to join First Communion classes when their parents feel it is appropriate. By meeting with the pastor, children are encouraged to value and participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Pastor led sessions are also offered to those adults and families new to our congregation who may wish to better understand and connect with our congregation by considering membership in the Lutheran church.

As a special event every three years, our youth are invited to attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering which will next take place in New Orleans in 2024. Lutheran youth from across the country gather for worship, fellowship and service.


During GIFT, Junior high youth spend 45 minutes with the pastor in confirmation. Students learn important stories in the Bible, and they also learn how to begin thinking theologically. For example, what does it mean that God promises to give me daily bread? What does it mean that Jesus calls me to be a disciple? How can I forgive someone who hurt me? Students who complete this curriculum with the pastor are invited to be confirmed at the end of their 8th grade year!
